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Support for latest Dante Card


  • ID7847 When fader at full +10dB adjacent faders may have reported incorrect position.
  • ID7817 DX88 preamps could not be discovered when using DX-Link card.
  • ID7731 Resolves various redundancy issues regarding DX-Hubs.
  • ID7533 DX-Hubs will no longer produce erroneous noise when connected in particular orders.
  • ID7560 Channel delay values can now be adjusted from Director using a touchscreen.
  • ID7735 Fixes a number of performance issues with Director when using MacOS Ventura.


  • ID7799 Support for latest Dante Card hardware following component changes.
  • ID7876 Support for latest QLX-D, ULX-D and Axient Shure RF receivers.

Known Issues

  • ID7971 Input sockets 32, 64 and 96 do not pass audio when using a DX-Hub.
  • ID7620 In some cases, MixRacks with the latest component changes might require an´ additional reboot after a firmware update.
  • ID7480 When DX boxes configured as ‘Connected’ offline, Director can show Offline configuration when connected to a MixRack.
  • ID6928 Connection of a ME personal mixing system to the DX2 socket on GX4816 is not supported.
  • ID6623 PAFL delay is reset after a Mixer Config change.
  • ID7484 Director restart required to connect to IP controllers when going offline after previously being online.
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