We help you manage your devices!

devicebase empowers you to follow all your connected devices in one place, giving you the latest updates, compatibilities, and support.

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Expert Icon

For each product on devicebase there is the possibility to become a product expert. This way you can show the public (industry, potential customers) that you are a specialist for specific devices.

The position of product expert can only be achieved by high quality contributions.

The user who collects the most points within a product becomes the number one product expert.


This is how your contributions are rewarded

User Status

With a growing number of points, your status increases. If the manufacturer is active themselves (authorized), this will also be displayed.

  • authorized Become a Partner Brand
  • > 1000 expert
  • 500 - 999 skilled
  • 100 - 499 enthusiast
  • 0 - 99 newcomer

Collecting Points

You can earn points by actively participating in the forum, e.g. by asking and answering questions.

  • + 1 Rate question
  • + 1 Rate an answer
  • + 5 Ask your question
  • + 5 Answer question
  • + 20 10 top answers

Complete your profile, rate products or make compatibility suggestions and you will also be credited with points.

  • + 1 Complete profile
  • + 3 Rate a product
  • + 3 Rate compatibility
  • + 10 Suggest a product
  • + 10 Suggest compatibility

How Product Scores are calculated:

Product Score

A product's score is equal to the sum of the number of posts in the forum (+1 per answer/question), the number of compatibilities, and the number of users following the product.

3 + 10 + 4 + 20 = 37

4 Compatibilities + 3 Updates + 10 Discussions + 20 Follower

Increase Visibility

The Product Score determines a product's position on every page and subpage. The higher a product's score, the higher it will be shown on all overview pages, compatibility lists, and in the 'Similar Products' section.


Is devicebase free of charge? Yes, our platform is permanently free of charge for users.
Will my personal data be shared? No, we never share your personal data, not even with our partners.
What does the green dot on a product mean? It means that the manufacturer is a devicebase partner and content is maintained regularly. Product updates are posted within 8 days.
How current are the update alerts? Our partners and content team try to keep the updates as current as possible. Prioritized are the manufacturers that are active (green dot). Here update messages are posted within 8 days.
How are the update alerts created? We have developed a software robot (bot) that regularly checks for new releases. Together with our content team, these are posted.
What are the advantages of using devicebase? As an administrator or system integrator, you're aware that it can be challenging to keep track of all the products you use. Researching updates, product successors, and compatibilities can be time-consuming, and lacking crucial information may result in underutilization of devices.
With devicebase you can follow your portfolio of professional connected devices. This way you always stay informed about updates, compatibilities, and important topics.