
How can H.323 and Amazon Chime be used?

How can I join an Amazon Chime meeting with the H.323 video conferencing system

user24795 / skilled (555)


Top answer

To join an Amazon Chime meeting with an H.323 video conferencing system, you need an H.323-compatible video conferencing solution and an H.323 gateway service that enables communication between your video conferencing system and Amazon Chime. There are several H.323 gateway providers that are compatible with Amazon Chime, such as Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server (VCS), Polycom RealPresence DMA, or Lifesize Gateway.

  • To join an Amazon Chime meeting with an H.323 system, you must complete the following steps:
  • Create an Amazon Chime meeting and copy the meeting link.
  • Start your H.323 video conferencing system and invoke the H.323 gateway system.
  • Use the remote control or the control device of your H.323 system to enter the meeting link.
  • The H.323 gateway system translates the link into a format that can be read by your H.323 system and connects you to the Amazon Chime meeting.
  • Once you are connected, you can join the meeting and use the features of Amazon Chime.

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