
Brings locked meetings messaging improvement plus several overall fixes


✔ ️Improved messaging for Locked meetings [web]

Meetings may be locked by the host, delegate, or moderator or may be scheduled by the meeting organizer with options to restrict access to:

  • invited attendees and registered users from the organizer's Amazon Chime company account,
  • registered users, or
  • any attendee that has the meeting ID which includes anonymous users.

If an attendee tries to join a meeting and is not permitted based on these access restrictions, Amazon Chime displays a Locked meeting message and blocks the attendee from joining.

Amazon Chime now provide additional guidance when attendees are locked out of meetings to help authorized users take the needed steps to join, such as signing in to their Amazon Chime account.

✔ ️Bug fixes and performance enhancements [Windows, macOS, web, iOS, Android]


? macOS 10.11 (El Capitan) Deprecation [macOS] - Beginning with the March, 2021 client release, Amazon Chime will no longer provide support for the macOS client when running version 10.11 (El Capitan). Please update to version 10.12 (Sierra) or above.

? Windows IE 11.x Deprecation [web] - Beginning with the March, 2021 web client release, Amazon Chime will no longer provide support for the Windows IE v11 browser for attending meetings. Please use one of our supported browsers: Microsoft Chromium Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.

? Windows Legacy Edge Deprecation [web] - Beginning with the March, 2021 web client release, Amazon Chime will no longer provide support for the Windows Legacy Edge browser for attending meetings. Please use one of our supported browsers: Microsoft Chromium Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.

? Joining Amazon Chime meetings using Safari [web] - Modified the meeting join flow to provide a way for Safari users to use their computer audio and access video capabilities for their Amazon Chime meetings. Instead of taking Safari users directly into the meeting experience where they are limited to dial-in audio and have no video features, we present the steps necessary for them to download and install the Amazon Chime macOS client - a process which can be completed in less than 2 minutes. If attendees are not able to download and install an application on their computer, dial-in information is provided which can be used to connect to the meeting. No changes have been made for registered Amazon Chime users that sign into the web app (https://app.chime.aws) using a Safari browser. Those users will still receive auto-call notifications and be able to join their meetings using dial-in audio.

? Amazon Chime audio, video, and screen sharing features are provided when attendees join from the following supported browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Chromium Edge.

? Connectivity Check added to the join meeting page [web] - When you join an Amazon Chime meeting by clicking on the meeting , we now run a test to see if your device can connect to the meeting services that support audio, video, and screen share features. When the tests are successful, a "Connectivity check was successful" message will be displayed. If any of the tests fail, a message will be displayed with instructions to help you have a better meeting experience.

? Most connectivity challenges can be quickly addressed by switching to a different network or turning off your VPN. You may also connect quickly by following the dial-in instructions provided in the meeting invitation.

? If connectivity check fails, we recommend directing your company's IT Administrators to the readiness checker (https://app.chime.aws/check) and the Network Configuration and Bandwidth Requirements section of the Amazon Chime Administrator Guide.

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