
Connect Apple HomeKit to other protocols

Currently, Apple HomeKit only communicates with devices that are Wi-Fi or Bluetooth enabled.

But thanks to the Homee Bridge, which is now HomeKit-enabled, it will soon be possible to connect HomeKit to Enocean, Zigbee and Z-Wave. This is made possible by the Homee Firmware Update 2.17.

Until now, the Homee Bridge only supported WLAN, Enocean, Zigbee and Z-Wave, which allowed you to control your windows, heating, blinds and lighting.

With the integration of the Apple HomeKit, Apple users will have a wider choice of devices that can be controlled by Siri and integrated into home automation systems.

You can request the update via the Codeatelier beta tester page. It is not yet known when Apple will begin software certification of HomeKit devices.

Version: 2.17
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