
Added support for ariaBrailleLabel and ariaBrailleRoleDescription element

Safari 18.0 Release Notes
Released September 16, 2024 — 18.0 (20619.1.26)

Safari 18.0 is available for iOS 18, iPadOS 18, visionOS 2, macOS 15, macOS Sonoma, and macOS Ventura.

New Features

  • Added support for <input type="datetime"></input>, <input type="datetime-local"></input>, and <time> elements. (118180250)
  • Added support for ariaBrailleLabel and ariaBrailleRoleDescription element reflection properties. (123926949)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed role assignment for <header> inside <main> and sectioning elements. (48370244)
  • Fixed range input not firing an input eve
  • Fixed setting aria-hidden on a slot not hiding the slot’s assigned nodes. (108762653)
  • Fixed VoiceOver to read hidden associated labels. (113631557)
  • Fixed comboboxes to expose their linked objects correctly. (121242926)
  • Fixed VoiceOver support for aria-activedescendant on macOS. (122590052)
  • Fixed time input accessibility by adding labels to subfields. (122590568)
  • Fixed aria-hidden=true to be ignored on the and elements. (123049663)
  • Fixed datetime values being exposed to assistive technologies in the wrong timezone. (123522296)
  • Fixed wrong datetime value being exposed to assistive technologies for datetime-local inputs. (123803281)
  • Fixed ignored CSS content property replacement text when it is an empty string. (123919677)
  • Fixed the computed role for these elements: dd, details, dt, em, hgroup, option, s, and strong. (124641956)
  • Fixed hidden elements targeted by aria-labelledby to expose their entire subtree text, not just their direct child text. (125634439)
  • Fixed accessible name computation for elements with visibility: visible inside a container with visibility: hidden. (125738704)
  • Fixed updating table accessibility text when its caption dynamically changes. (127263464)
  • Fixed updating aria-describedby text after the targeted element changes its subtree. (127390465)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed the transition property to produce the shortest serialization. (119822401)
  • Fixed the animation property to produce the shortest serialization. (120439368)

Apple Pay
New Features

  • Added support for funds transfer. (104115471)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed arbitrary 8 digit limit on a line item’s total amount. (112078798)

New Features

  • Implemented conditional credential creation. (113573376)
  • Added support for the WebAuthn PRF extension. (119057355)
  • Added support for using passkeys across related origins. (121477346)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed navigator.credentials.create() rejects with “NotAllowedError: Operation Failed” after a conditional UI request is aborted. (109936742)
  • Fixed setting the cancel flag once the cancel completes regardless of a subsequent request occurring. (124727713)

New Features

  • Added support for willReadFrequently. (126739379)
  • Added support for resolving a nested currentcolor used in color-mix or a relative color. (128027026)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed drawImage(detachedOffscreenCanvas) to throw an exception. (120451062)
  • Fixed OffscreenCanvas failing to render to the placeholder with nested workers. (126069375)
  • Fixed losing the contents layer of the placeholder canvas of OffscreenCanvas when switching off the tab. (126070648)
  • Fixed drawImage to not alter the input source or the destination rectangles. (127982607)
  • Fixed toggling the visibility on a canvas parent undoing the effect of clearRect(). (128226178)
  • Fixed the Canvas drawImage() API to throw an exception when the image is in broken state. (128588063)
  • Fixed a detached OffscreenCanvas to not transfer an ImageBuffer. (19270155)


  • Removed support for OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D’s commit() method. (126758254)

New Features

  • Added support for currentColor and system color keywords to Relative Color Syntax. (100981965)
  • Added support for (prefers-contrast: custom). (103658875)
  • Added support for content-visibility. (117156105)
  • Added support for animating the display property. (121662911)
  • Added support for CSS Style Container Queries. (122800215)
  • Added support for View Transitions. (123128491)
  • Added support for the unprefixed backdrop-filter. (123523441)
  • Added support for the :active-view-transition pseudo-class. (129851076)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed setting white-space to a non-default value dynamically on a whitespace or a new line. (92559818)
  • Fixed custom counter styles disclosure-open and disclosure-closed to point to the correct direction in right-to-left. (109014745)
  • Fixed backface-visibility to create a stacking context and containing block. (114732608)
  • Fixed getComputedStyle() to work with functional pseudo-elements like ::highlight(). (117864743)
  • Fixed: Aliased :-webkit-full-screen pseudo-class to :fullscreen. (120335917)
  • Fixed: Aliased :-webkit-any-link to :any-link and :matches() to :is(). (120337922)
  • Fixed getComputedStyle() pseudo-element parsing to support the full range of CSS syntax. (120471227)
  • Fixed @supports to correctly handle support for some -webkit prefixed pseudo-elements that were incorrectly treated as unsupported. (120577690)
  • Fixed updating media-query sensitive meta tags after style changes. (120854167)
  • Fixed changing color scheme to update gradients with system colors or light-dark(). (121285450)
  • Fixed incorrect inline element size when using font-variant-caps: all-small-caps with font-synthesis. (121314557)
  • Fixed :empty selector to work with animations. (122838142)
  • Fixed preserving whitespace when serializing custom properties. (123491915)
  • Fixed updating style correctly for non-inherited custom property mutations. (123645196)
  • Fixed element removed by parent to end up losing the last remembered size. (123975513)
  • Fixed an incorrect difference between implicit and explicit initial values for custom properties. (124573975)
  • Fixed the contrast of Menu and MenuText system colors. (125270664)
  • Fixed keeping the shorthand value for CSS gap as-is in serialized and computed values. (125335787)
  • Fixed the style adjuster for @starting-style incorrectly invoking with a null element. (125837628)
  • Fixed excluding -apple-pay-button from applying to any element that supports appearance: auto and is not a button. (126107516)
  • Fixed missing color interpretation methods added to CSS color specifications. (126444371)
  • Fixed hsl() and hsla() implementation to match the latest spec changes. (126722229)
  • Fixed the implementation of rgb() and rgba() to match the latest spec. (126830606)
  • Fixed the hwb() implementation to match the latest spec. (126924645)
  • Fixed the remaining color types to be synced with the latest spec changes. (127077683)
  • Fixed carrying analogous components forward when interpolating colors. (127170141)
  • Fixed applying the fill layer pattern for mask-mode. (127999241)
  • Fixed backdrop-filter: blur to render for elements not present when the page is loaded. (129517679)
  • Fixed: Improved large Grid performance. (130728344)
  • Fixed some CSS properties causing quotes to be reset. (132585704)


  • Removed :-webkit-full-screen-ancestor pseudo-class. (100782937)
  • Removed -webkit-alt and alt properties. (120051066)
  • Removed the non-standard resize: auto rule. (120138995)
  • Removed :-webkit-animating-full-screen-transition pseudo-class. (121302758)
  • Removed :-khtml-drag pseudo-class. (121303391)
  • Removed :-webkit-full-screen-controls-hidden pseudo-class. (121323330)
  • Removed :-webkit-full-page-media pseudo-class. (121752962)
  • Removed :-webkit-full-screen-document pseudo-class. (121816310)

New Features

  • Added writing suggestions attribute to HTML elements to opt into multiword text completions. (114989563)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where input method editing would sporadically drop the composition range. (130020224)
  • Fixed dictation UI no longer showing up when beginning dictation after focusing an empty text field. (131534054) (FB14277296)

New Features

  • Added haptic feedback for <input switch="" type="checkbox"></input> on iOS. (125474921)
  • Added support for partially transparent accent colors. (130599744)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed displayed data list dropdown to sync its options elements after a DOM update. (54690831)
  • Fixed input elements to use the [value] as the first fallback step base. (107721910)
  • Fixed <select multiple="multiple"> scrollbars to match the used color scheme. (123807167)
  • Fixed updating the input value when selecting an <option> from a datalist & element. (124784204) (FB13688998)
  • Fixed the value attribute not getting displayed in an input element with type="email" and the multiple attribute. (125221858)
  • Fixed the iOS animation for <input switch="" type="checkbox"></input>. (125563501)
  • Fixed form controls drawing with an active appearance when the window is inactive. (127391198)
  • Fixed constructed FormData object to not include entries for the image button submitter by default. (128176811)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed the properties of History to throw a SecurityError when not in a fully active Document. (118750576)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed “about:blank” document.referrer initialization. (97689906)
  • Fixed parsing a self-closing SVG script element. It now successfully executes. (121887875)


  • Removed support for JPEG2000. (35161822)

New Features

  • Added support for the v flag with RegExp.prototype[Symbol.matchAll]. (126017731)
  • Added support for Unicode 15.1.0 characters in RegExp. (126863692)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed RegExp.prototype.@@split to update the following legacy RegExp static properties: RegExp.input, RegExp.lastMatch, RegExp.lastParen, RegExp.leftContext, RegExp.rightContext, and RegExp.$1, ... RegExp.$9. (99865597)
  • Fixed String.prototype.replace to not take the fast path if the pattern is RegExp Object and the lastIndex is not numeric. (101122567)
  • Fixed spec compliance for Async / Await, Generators, Async Functions, and Async Generators. (113884730)
  • Fixed async functions and generators to properly handle promises with throwing “constructor” getter. (119734587)
  • Fixed return in async generators to correctly await its value. (119834751)
  • Fixed Symbol.species getters to not share a single JS Function. (120416817)
  • Fixed throwing a RangeError if Set methods are called on an object with negative size property. (121310940)
  • Fixed eval() function from another realm to not cause a direct eval call. (121546048)
  • Fixed eval() call with ...spread syntaxt to be a direct call. (121547890)
  • Fixed try/catch to not intercept errors originated in [[Construct]] of derived class. (121959506)

Fixed several issues:

  • direct eval() in a default value expression inside a rest parameter creates a variable in the environment of the function rather than the separate one of the parameters;
  • a ReferenceError is thrown when accessing a binding, which is defined inside rest parameter, in eval(), or a closure created in a default value expression of a preceding parameter, but only if there is a var binding by the same name;
  • a closure, created in the default value expression inside a rest parameter, is created in a different VariableEnvironment of the function than its counterparts in preceding parameters which causes the incorrect environment to be consulted when querying or modifying parameter names that are “shadowed” by var bindings. (121961421)
  • Fixed TypedArray sorting methods to have a special-case for camparator returning false. (122093956)
  • Fixed programming style for bitwise and in setExpectionPorts. (122138733)
  • Fixed emitReturn() to load this value from arrow function lexical environment prior to the TDZ check. (122430056)
  • Fixed NFKC normalization to work with Latin-1 characters. (123328161)
  • Fixed parsing of private names with Unicode start characters. (123425805)
  • Fixed instanceof to not get RHS prototype when LHS is primitive. (123629166)
  • Fixed bracket update expression to resolve property key at most once. (123872374)
  • Fixed bracket compound assignement to resolve the property key at most once. (124420301)
  • Fixed Object.groupBy and Map.groupBy to work for non-objects. (125485685)
  • Fixed Array.fromAsync to not call the Array constructor twice. (125509304)
  • Fixed inconsistent output of Function.prototype.toString for accessor properties. (125739577)
  • Fixed Set#symmetricDifference to call this.has in each iteration. (126526845)
  • Fixed logical assignment expressions to throw a syntax error when the left side of the assignment is a function call. (126540636)
  • Fixed throwing a syntax error for nested duplicate-named capturing groups in RegEx. (126863735)
  • Fixed ArrayBuffer and SharedArrayBuffer constructor to check length before creating an instance. (126971134)
  • Fixed Intl implementation to ensure canonicalizing “GMT” to “UTC” based on a spec update. (127061600)
  • Fixed RegEx lookbehinds differing from v8. (127440248)
  • Fixed fractionalDigits of Intl.DurationFormat to be treated as at most 9 digits if it is omitted. (129145390)
  • Fixed optimized TypedArrays giving incorrect results. (129303210)
  • Fixed Intl.DurationFormat for numeric and 2-digit. (130279541)


  • Removed [[VarNames]] from the global object to reflect changes in the specification. (130438575)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed navigator.cookieEnabled to return false when cookies are blocked. (121284878)

New Features

  • Added support for WebRTC HEVC RFC 7789 RTP Payload Format. (112001659)
  • Added support for Viewer on macOS, a full window video watching mode for web pages with a prominent video element. (114218891)
  • Added support for MSE in workers. (123052315)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed MediaSession to determine the best size artwork to use when the sizes metadata attribute is provided. (81160539) (FB9409169)
  • Fixed video sound coming from another window after changing tabs in the Tab Bar in visionOS. (120018549)
  • Fixed playback for MSE videos on some sites. (123528095)
  • Fixed allowing a video’s currentTime to be further than the gap’s start time. (124186726)
  • Fixed broken audio playback for a WebM file with a Vorbis track. (124880261)
  • Fixed sampleRate and numberOfChanges to be required and non-zero in a valid AudioEncoderConfig. (125107934)
  • Fixed media elements appending the same media segment twice. (125386530)
  • Fixed an issue where Safari audio may be emitted from the wrong window in visionOS. (127009932)
  • Fixedrejecting valid NPT strings if ‘hours’ is defined using 1 digit. (128318772)
  • Fixed picture-in-picture when hiding the <video> element while in Viewer. (131786564)
  • Fixed the return button not working after the video is paused and played in picture-in-picture. (131791367)


  • Removed non-standard VTTRegion.track. (123172214)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed upgrading inactive or passive subresource requests and fetches in would-be mixed security contexts to match standards. (101678657)
  • Fixed incorrect Sec-Fetch-Site value for navigation of a nested document. (109358563)
  • Fixed loading WebArchives with a non-persistent datastore. (122290562)
  • Fixed Timing-Allow-Origin to not apply to an HTTP 302 response. (126531139)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed print buttons with a print action implementation. (123850236)
  • Fixed Open in Preview for a PDF with a space in its name. (127379128)
  • Fixed “Open with Preview” context menu item to work with locked PDF documents. (132033502)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed Greek uppercase transforms failing for some characters. (90364897)
  • Fixed resizing a <textarea> element with 1rem padding. (90639221)
  • Fixed the color correctness of the color matrix filter. (120795573)
  • Fixed backdrop-filter to apply to the border area of an element with a border-radius. (122295068)
  • Fixed intrinsic inline size calculators to account for whitespace before an empty child with nonzero margins. (122586712)
  • Fixed overlapping elements with flex box when height: 100% is applied on nested content. (125572851)
  • Fixed incorrect grid item positioning with out-of-flow sibling. (126207467)
  • Fixed break-word with a float discarding text. (126309547)
  • Fixed min-content calculation for unstyled only-child inlines elements. (128348427)
  • Fixed ellipsis rendering multiple times when position: relative and top are used. (128394449)
  • Fixed a bug for inline elements inserted in reverse order after a block in a continuation. (128826228)
  • Fixed the flash of a page background-colored bar in the footer when the window is resized. (128940179)
  • Fixed garbled bold text caused by glyph lookup using the wrong font’s glyph IDs when multiple installed fonts have the same name. (129891005) (FB13909556)
  • Fixed selecting Japanese text annotated with ruby in a vertical-rl writing mode table. (130974783)
  • Fixed support for border, padding, and margin on mfrac and mspace elements in MathML. (131119823)

Safari Extensions
New Features

  • Added support for Safari Web Extensions and Content Blockers in web apps on macOS. (99755515)
  • Added support for Device Management of extension enabled state, private browsing state, and website access on Managed Devices. (113051857)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed the cursor not updating as content scrolls under it on some pages. (122347347)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed stripping the scroll-to-text fragment from the URL to prevent exposing the fragment to the page. (124717009)
  • Fixed CORS bypass on private localhost domain using host and mode “no-cors”. (125913679)
  • Fixed blocking cross-origin redirect downloads in an iframe. (130901951)
  • Fixed blocked cross-origin redirect downloads to attempt rendering the page instead. (131962658)

Spatial Web
New Features

  • Added support for docking fullscreen videos into the current Environment in visionOS. (91364019)
  • Added support for interaction regions in SVGs that have a cursor: pointer set. (117642184) (FB13310281)
  • Added interaction region support for CSS clip-path. (119124300)
  • Added support for Spatial and Panoramic images. (125913434)


  • Removed support for AppCache. (113343269)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed the SVG parser to interpret “form feed” as white space. (95488677)
  • Fixed error handling for invalid filter primitive references. (104262208)
  • Fixed displaying an SVG element inside a <switch> element. (120732837)
  • Fixed SVG title to have display: none as the default UA style rule. (122185838)
  • Fixed the UA stylesheet for links in SVGs to apply cursor: pointer matching standards. (122715957)
  • Fixed returning the initial value for the SVG gradient stop-color if it is not rendered in the page. (123262508)
  • Fixed the SVG marker segment calculations if the marker path consists of sub-paths. (123434203)
  • Fixed SVGLength to sync with the WebIDL specification. (129169603)


  • Removed non-standard getTransformToElement from SVGGraphicsElement (122435702)
  • Removed the SVGAnimateColorElement interface. (122586568)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed disclosure counter styles to consider writing-mode. (130468537)

Web Animations
Resolved Issues

  • Fixed percentage transform animations when width and height are animated. (63309680)
  • Fixed updating an animation when changing the value of a transform property while that property is animated with an implicit keyframe. (126126617)
  • Fixed display transition to none. (130857338)

New Features

  • Added support for URL.parse(). (125376520)
  • Added support for shadowRootDelegatesFocus and shadowRootClonable to <template>. (125401993)
  • Added support for serializing shadow roots through getHTML() as well as the corresponding shadow root serializable feature. (125513986)
  • Added support for PopStateEvent’s hasUAVisualTransition. (125849073)
  • Added support for subresource integrity in imported module scripts. (127038535)
  • Added support for feature detecting text fragments by exposing document.fragmentDirective. (127650843)
  • Added support for the bytes() method to Request and Response. (128407577)
  • Added support for bytes() to Blob and PushMessageData. (128418858)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed cssText setter to change the style attribute when the serialization differs. (29861252) (FB5535475)
  • Fixed history.pushState() and history.replaceState() to ignore the title argument. (75695791)
  • Fixed URL text fragment directives not fully stripped from JavaScript. (107326333)
  • Fixed showPicker() method to trigger suggestions from a datalist. (116017782)
  • Fixed lang attribute in no namespace to only apply to HTML and SVG elements. (117795695)
  • Fixed unnecessarily unsetting the iframe fullscreen flag. (120052751)
  • Fixed DOM Range to correctly account for CDATASection nodes. (122608224)
  • Fixed getGamepads() to no longer trigger an insecure contexts warning. (123039555)
  • Fixed inserting a <picture> element displaying the same image twice. (123795045)
  • Fixed throwing exceptions in navigation methods if in a detached state. (123898636)
  • Fixed a minor issue in URL’s host setter. (124363495)
  • Fixed cloning of ShadowRoot nodes following a DOM Standard clarification. (125917138)
  • Fixed GeolocationCoordinates to expose a toJSON() method. (126183686)
  • Fixed IntersectionObserver notifications that sometimes fail to fire. (126238865)
  • Fixed GeolocationPosition to expose a toJSON() method. (126247408)
  • Fixed setting CustomEvent.target when dispatching an event. (126369768)
  • Fixed navigator.language only returning the system language in iOS 17.4. (126765790)
  • Fixed: Removed presentational hints from the width attribute for ---
  • . (128647444)
  • Fixed an issue when inserting writing suggestions into an editable display: grid container. (129366300)
  • Fixed the warning message for window.styleMedia. (131005713)


  • Removed support for KeyboardEvent.altGraphKey. (102980723)
  • Removed AES-CFB support from WebCrypto. (120000331)
  • Removed the non-standard KeyboardEvent.keyLocation. (121564228)
  • Removed HashChangeEvent’s non-standard initHashChangeEvent() method. (124736521)

Web Apps
New Features

  • Added support for opening links directly in web apps on macOS. (113034778)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed resolving www. sub-domain for Associated Domains for all web apps. (121216556)

Web Assembly
Resolved Issues
Fixed initialization of portable reference typed globals. (119397603)

Web Extensions
Resolved Issues

  • Fixed getting an empty key from storage. (99440265) (FB11427769)
  • Fixed Service Workers not appearing in the Develop menu or remote Web Inspector menu. (130712941)
  • Fixed web extensions unable to start due to an issue parsing declarativeNetRequest rules. (130861213) (FB14145801)

Web Inspector
New Features

  • Added support for fuzzy search code completion in the CSS source editor. (125030691)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed font sizes in the Audits tab. (76162927)
  • Fixed expanded sections of Storage to not collapse. (107687975)
  • Fixed Web Inspector to show nested workers. (108322385)
  • Fixed CSS font property values marked !important not getting overridden when using the interactive editing controls. (112080113)
  • Fixed an issue where the Web Inspector viewport might appear cut off. (117272735)
  • Fixed runtimes to be aligned in the Audit tab. (121810292)
  • Fixed remembering the message type selection in the Console tab. (122924275)
  • Fixed autocomplete for the text-indent property suggesting prefixed properties instead of each-line or hanging. (123240715)
  • Fixed background autocompletion suggestion to include repeating-conic-gradient. (123428709)
  • Fixed the list of breakpoints in the Sources tab disappearing when Web Inspector is reloaded. (123641994)
  • Fixed console clearing unexpectedly when Web Inspector reopens. (124171190)
  • Fixed console code completion to be case-insensitive. (124544458)
  • Fixed overflow: scroll elements to scroll as expected when highlighting an element from the DOM tree. (124554999)
  • Fixed showing additional Safari tabs from an iOS device in the Develop menu. (124876362)
  • Fixed Console and code editor completion not auto-scrolling the suggestion into view. (124979790)
  • Fixed search in the DOM tree view unexpectedly chaning the text display. (125797803)
  • Fixed clicking the “goto” arrow for computed CSS when “show independent Styles sidebar” is disabled. (127025520)
  • Fixed inspectable tabs from Safari in the visionOS Simulator don’t appear in Developer menu on the host macOS. (127259433)
  • Fixed Accessibility inspector for switch controls to report “State: on/off” instead of “Checked: true/false”. (128952449)

Web Views
New Features

  • Added WKWebView API support for Text Assistant. (126585826)
  • Added WKWebView API to control adaptive image glyph insertion. (126585881)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed Gamepad API in WKWebView. (123310472)
  • Fixed repainting HTML elements when their width or height change in legacy WebView. (124564409)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed retrieving titles containing multibyte characters. (123987149)

New Features

  • Enabled support for the following approved extensions:
  • EXT_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge
  • WEBGL_render_shared_exponent
  • WEBGL_stencil_texturing
  • EXT_render_snorm
  • OES_sample_variables
  • OES_shader_multisample_interpolation (121835897) (126863775)

New Features

  • Added support for MediaStreamTrack processing in a dedicated worker. (114213842)
  • Added support for additional WebRTC stats. (121594743)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed RTCEncodedVideoFrame and RTCEncodedAudioFrame to match the WebIDL specification. (118607685)
  • Fixed VideoTrackGenerator writer to close when its generator track (and all its clones) are stopped. (121835553)
  • Fixed WebRTC AV1 HW decoding on iPhone 15 Pro. (123449229)
  • Fixed black stripes with screen sharing windows. (123492622)
  • Fixed black stripes with getDisplayMedia captured windows when the window is resized. (124131045)


  • Deprecated some legacy WebKit notification names including:
  • WebViewDidBeginEditingNotification
  • WebViewDidChangeNotification
  • WebViewDidEndEditingNotification
  • WebViewDidChangeTypingStyleNotification
  • WebViewDidChangeSelectionNotification (130033164)

New Features

  • Added support for immersive WebXR in visionOS. (125631316)</picture></template></switch></textarea></video></option></select></main></header></time>
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