The manufacturer ATEN has not yet set up its devicebase profile. Content such as updates, compatibilities and support may only be maintained with a delay.

Improve system stability and support for the ATEN VK system


  1. Improve system stability
  2. Support ATEN VK system

Important notes

Please download firmware file to the USB storage in advance and follow the instruction or user manual for device upgrade.

Upgrade Instructions

  1. On the external drive, create a folder named"uc9040_img".
  2. Download the complete software and unzip it.
  3. Save your file - "" in the "uc9040_img" folder.
  4. Plug the external drive to rear USB port of the device.
  5. Press "PAUSE+MUTE+CUT" buttons together to enable firmware upgrade process.
Version: v1.3.121 Link
Receive Important Update Messages Stay tuned for upcoming ATEN UC9040 StreamLIVE PRO updates

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