The manufacturer Audinate has not yet set up its devicebase profile. Content such as updates, compatibilities and support may only be maintained with a delay.
Update Brings important fix to address various issues

Resolved Issues

  • UM-779: Make DHCP initial transaction ID a random value
  • UM-771: Subscriptions fail after reboot/network down using static IP
  • UM-111: Bug with latency negotiation results in transmitted audio not received
  • UM-819: Improve ConMon reporting when the device becomes PTP grandmaster
  • UM-162: Device is unable to subscribe to a multicast flow if the flow's label length is more than 28 characters, instead, the device will create a unicast flow
  • ULT-377: If a multicast flow is created on a DAIx with a label length of more than 19 characters, other devices will be unable to subscribe to the multicast flow, instead devices will subscribe via unicast.
  • UM-188 If a multicast flow is created on a DIOUSB with a label length of more than 19 characters, other devices will be unable to subscribe to the multicast flow, instead devices will subscribe via unicast.
  • MIL-4518: When a device is enrolled in a domain with multiple subnets, when devices are disconnected (or lose power) and reconnected, devices may temporarily lose clock synchronization before regaining synchronization.

Known Issues

  • UM-807: DDM interop: PTP v2-only devices lose clock sync when a 'preferred master' boundary clock device is re-enrolled in the domain
  • UM-841: Changing sample rate and rebooting the device removes subscriptions. Workaround: manually re-subscribe the required channels.


  • Use Dante Updater or Dante Firmware Update Manager to update your AVIO devices.
  • Latest Dante Firmware Update Manager (Windows & macOS) and user guide here.
Version: Link
Receive Important Update Messages Stay tuned for upcoming Audinate AVIO Analog Input Adapter updates

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