The manufacturer AVer has set up its devicebase profile. Contents like updates, compatibilities and support are maintained regularly.

Redefine the password logic to enhanced security


Redefine the password logic to enhanced security

  1. Account length :1 to 32 characters long.
  2. Password length: 8 to 32 characters long.
  3. Passwords must include at least 3 types characters: numbers, uppercases letters and
    lowercases letters.
  4. Supported Characters:
  • Numeric characters: 0123456789
  • Symbols: !$%’()*+,-./?@[]^_{}~
  • Password Login Failure Lock Mechanism
  1. Lockout durations escalate as follows:
  • 1st failed attempt: 1-minute lockout
  • 2nd failed attempt: 5-minute lockout
  • 3rd failed attempt: 10-minute lockout
  • 4th failed attempt and beyond: 30-minute lockout

Bug fixes

  • Resolved the TR313V2 freezing issue when connected to INOGENI's SHARE2U
    Dual USB Camera Mixer via USB 3.0 using VISCA commands. Optimized VISCA command
    handling for UVC video control

Open problems

  • Web GUI has known compatibility issue with the Apple MAC Safari browser. Please use the Chrome browser on Apple devices for the meantime
  • There is a possibility of firmware update failure due to significant modifications made within the system to enhance auto-tracking performance in this particular firmware version. As a result, during the update process, there is a chance of intermittent failures. In the event of a failure, please attempt the update process again
Version: 0.1.0000.72 Link
Receive Important Update Messages Stay tuned for upcoming AVer PTC310UV2 updates

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