The manufacturer AVer has set up its devicebase profile. Contents like updates, compatibilities and support are maintained regularly.

New functions, bug fixes and optimizations


  • Optimized the tracking detection sensitivity for seamless switching between a single
  • presenter and multiple presenters.
  • Optimized the Auto Tracking camera operation for smoother following of the presenter’s
  • movements.
  • Bug fixed where HTTPS was incorrectly turned on after resetting to factory default
  • settings; it should have been turned off.
  • Optimized the LLDP information for better integration Netgear switches.
  • Optimized the command response of the VISCA protocol.
  • Optimized the compatibility of UVC video.
  • Optimized the effective tracking area function.
  1. Redefine effective tracking area, the area outside the red frame is exclusive, and the auto- tracking area only operates within the red frame.
  2. Added a visible effective tracking area frame on HDMI output. Please follow the setup:
    2.1 Set the effective tracking area function from webpage.
    2.2 Enable the Effective tracking area function.
    2.3 Turn on the Auto Tracking function.
    2.4 Long press the “FREEZE” button on the remote control. You will see a white frame on the HDMI output, which represents the effective tracking area frame. (Note: Long pressing the “FREEZE” button is for troubleshooting purposes only. Please disable the frame before using it, long press “FREEZE” button on remote to disable).

Know issues

  • Web GUI has known compatibility issue with the Apple MAC Safari browser. Please use the Chrome browser on Apple devices for the meantime.
  • There is a possibility of firmware update failure due to significant modifications made within the system to enhance auto-tracking performance in this particular firmware version. As a result, during the update process, there is a chance of intermittent failures. In the event of a failure, please attempt the update process again.
Version: 0.1.0000.59 Link
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