ClickShare C-5
Does the ClickShare need Internet?
Does the ClickShare need Internet?
Does the ClickShare need Internet?
Basically not. There are 3 different operating modes for the ClickShare.
1. standalone operation
This is the standard mode of operation. After switching on the base station, the ClickShare system creates its own, self-sufficient WLAN via which the ClickShare buttons and mobile users can share content.
Laptops and PCs can display their screen content via the ClickShare button. The ClickShare button establishes the connection to the base station - the PC's own WLAN card is not used for this.
Mobile devices (tablet, smartphone) can transmit their screen content via the ClickShare app, AirPlay or Google Cast, depending on the system. To do this, the participants must connect to the ClickShare base station's Wi-Fi.
2. standalone with mobile device support
Here a company network is connected to the LAN socket of the ClickShare, all supported mobile devices in this network can present to the ClickShare and, if available in the network, have Internet access.The ClickShare still broadcasts its own WLAN via which the buttons connect to the base unit.Guests can, for example, connect to the ClickShare's own network to present with mobile devices.
3. network integration
Here a company network is connected to the LAN socket of the ClickShare, all supported mobile devices in this network can present to the ClickShare and have Internet access if available in the network.The ClickShare no longer emits its own WLAN, the buttons connect to a company-owned access point.
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