The manufacturer Barco has set up its devicebase profile. Contents like updates, compatibilities and support are maintained regularly.

Simplified device registration process with QR codes


  • Simplified device registration flow: scan the QR code on the setup screen or follow the link in the Configuration Wizard to register your device for SmartCare, without it needing to be connected to the internet.

Bug Fixes

  • Adjust the size of registration QR code on Web Configuration to be easily scanned.

Open Bugs

  • Airplay discovery via Bluetooth isn't working. Please connect through mDNS when using Airplay at this moment. (More information could be found in KB11021)
  • Sharing through Google Cast isn't working with Android Phones. (More information could be found in KB11022 and KB11023)
  • No video output from ClearOne Versa Mediabar.
Version: Link
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