Clickshare CS-100
What is the ClickShare Launcher?
What is ClickShare Launcher?
What is ClickShare Launcher?
ClickShare launcher is software that makes sure that the ClickShare Client is started automatically as soon as the ClickShare button is plugged into the computer.
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Why does a second ClickShare button not connect to BaseUnit?
I have a second button to an already installed BaseUnit. The button does not only connect BaseUnit. The display constantly changes from "Prepare from" to...
Problems with video transmission, video jerks strongly, what to do?
I have the problem that when I transfer a video via Click-Share CS-100 to the beamer, this is noticeably jerky.
If I connect the HDMI cable...
My Clickshare Client does not work anymore?
My client (any of the 4 I have) stops working on my laptop (and exclusively on my laptop). On other computers it goes smoothly.
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