ClickShare CSE-200Barco
ClickShare CSE-200

Flashing Light Constantly with just one Laptop?

Hello there,
the Clickshare Buttons doens´t work on one of our Laptops (HP Probook 640 G8).It´s is just one of our Laptops, with all the other it does work.After we plugged the Clickshare with USB-C on our Laptop, it just constantly white flashing.I already tried the following thing:-Pairing the Clickshare with the Base Unit (still the Clickshare does work with other Laptops)

  • Reinstalling the ClickShare Application
  • Rebooting the Laptop and the Base Unit.

Could you help me with this issue?
Thanks in advance.


Check if an update is possible for your base unit
Otherwise you should check all drivers on your computer, sometimes the products are compatible again afterwards.
When you plug in the button, a USB stick should appear on the computer. On this USB stick there should be a Clickshare application, use it to keep the software up to date.

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