ClickShare CSE-200Barco
ClickShare CSE-200

How do I set up ClickShare as an extended desktop?

How can I set ClickShare as Extended Desktop to use the Referent View for PowerPoint? By default, only the PC screen is duplicated.

falko / newcomer (78)


Top answer

To extend the desktop at Windows you have to install the ClickShare Extension Pack. With macOS this is unfortunately not yet possible at the moment - here the use of Airplay is recommended.

There is also the new ClickShare Desktop App, so you can also set to extended desktop and transfer the screen without button.

To set the extension you need to connect the ClickShare "Button" and run the ClickShare exe on it. Then right-click on the ClickShare logo in the taskbar and set "Split Desktop" from Primary to Advanced.
If this option is not available, install the ClickShare Extension package.
The link for this is also on the ClickShare "Button".

over9k / expert (2327)
  1. Share your desktop with the meeting room display using a ClickShare Button
    • Insert a ClickShare Button into your Windows laptop
    • A Window opens with ClickShare applications listed in it. Double-click ClickShare_for_Windows application
    • When the ClickShare Button changes to static white it is ready to share
    • Press the ClickShare Button. The button changes to static red and your desktop is shared
  2. Right-click the ClickShare Client icon in the systray
  3. Select Shared Desktop from the context menu. Your desktop is now extended with the meeting room display

user15977 / newcomer (5)

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