Clickshare CSE-800
How can I activate the interactive function of the CSE-800?
How to turn on the White/Blackbord function in ClickShare?
How to turn on the White/Blackbord function in ClickShare?
To activate the function, you must move two fingers parallel over the touch screen. Then a small menu opens.
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Can CEC devices also be controlled via the HDMI connection?
Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) supported by ClickShare?
The connection to the ClickShare button is disconnected from Windows.
Windows sometimes disconnects my laptop from the ClickShare button. Thereupon comes the message that the connection was disconnected due to power options. Is there a...
Can I ignore the Windows popup when restarting?
After updating the ClickShare button, Win7 wants me to restart. Do you have to do that?
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