ClickShare Desktop App
What is ClickShare PresentSense?
What is ClickShare PresentSense?
What is ClickShare PresentSense?
PresetSense is a new Barco feature for ClickShare that ensures that the room's ClickShare base unit connects to your devices. The PresentSense function is available for the C-5, C-10, CX-20, CX-30 and CX-50 models. To use it, you need the Click Share app (mobile or collaboration app) from Barco and the base station must be equipped with the latest firmware version from Barco. The Barco app must be installed on the device you want to connect. In order for your device to recognize the base unit, it emits an ultrasonic audio beacon (a type of signal with coded information) every 5 seconds, which the app can hear via the device's microphone and decode the information sent. The app then asks the user whether they would like to connect this device to the base unit.
PresentSense Explained in 3 steps:
With PresentSense, the connection is established with just one click, saving you additional steps. As soon as you enter the room, you can immediately share your content with the room display. So you are always on the safe side if you are running late or simply need to be quick.
Here is a video from the manufacturer that briefly explains the topic in one minute:
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