The manufacturer Biamp has not yet set up its devicebase profile. Content such as updates, compatibilities and support may only be maintained with a delay.

Ki Noise Reduction for Biamp with Deep Learning

New Features:

  • TesiraFORTE X now features AI noise reduction for Biamp Launch deployments.
  • Uses a deep learning algorithm to prevent transmitting unwanted sounds during calls.
  • Biamp Launch configuration web page provides a control to disable noise reduction for demo purposes.
  • Added a new block for Biamp Voltera A amplifiers.
  • Supports all four models of Voltera A amplifiers.
  • Provides amplifier and loudspeaker processing settings in a single block.
  • Offers a Biamp loudspeaker library for rapid system deployment.


  • Use Logic I/O Mute can now be enabled prior to Launch on TesiraFORTE X.
  • Improved error messaging when loading larger recordings to NPX paging stations to better reflect the actual cause for failure.
  • Improved NPX paging station firmware update dialogs to better reflect status of update in progress.

Resolved Software Issues:

  • Resolved issue where Tesira Software would crash when copying and pasting DSP data from a 10-button NPX paging station to a 4-button paging station.
  • Resolved issue when deleting a page code then then reusing the deleted slot not properly showing up on NPX paging stations.
Receive Important Update Messages Stay tuned for upcoming Biamp Tesira FORTE updates

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