Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro Support
Forum, Problems & Help and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The section below is a forum dedicated to Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro within the devicebase community. It provides a platform for users to discuss frequently asked questions (FAQs), share problems, and exchange helpful tips. Blackmagic Design representatives and users can participate in these discussions. Users who contribute the most valuable answers and insights for a product are recognized as product experts. If you have any issues or require support, ask your questions to other devicebase users.

All questions about Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro
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Plugin for Photoshop Elements 2021 will not work.?
I am running Windows 10, with Photoshop Elements 2021.
When I installed the Atem software, the plugin did not install.
I found it and installed it manually,...
how can i connect my camera via SDI-converter to cam1 input ?
When I start the Mini Pro with my camera connected to cam1 input via a sdi-cable plus converter the result is unusable. The same camera...
How can I prevent strong noise and droning?
I use the following equipment for live streaming on YouTube
Camera: CANON XF705
Microphone: Shure BLX288E/SM58
Mixing console: IMG STAGELINE MMX-602/SW
Live control: ATEM Mini Pro
Software: OBS Studio 28.0.3...
Is it possible to control it externally (via Crestron)?
Is it possible to control the Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Proit externally via Crestron?
What is the maximum resolution supported by the ATEM Mini Pro?
What is the maximum resolution supported by the ATEM Mini Pro?
How does the ATEM Mini Pro handle audio mixing?
How does the ATEM Mini Pro handle audio mixing?
Streaming time limited?
Hello, I have for some time the breath mini pro and breath mini extreme.
I stream via reastream on YouTube and Facebook. Seid the last 3...
What are the input and output options for the ATEM Mini Pro?
What are the input and output options for the ATEM Mini Pro?
Is ATEM compatible with all projectors?
I have two projectors that work perfectly with the direct image from the camera (EPSON X36+ and EPSON X24+), but when the signal passes through...
How do I access the ATEM Mini Pro settings?
Hello, is there a way to make settings for the ATEM Mini Pro? If so, what do I need to do this? Is there access...
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