The manufacturer Bose has set up its devicebase profile. Contents like updates, compatibilities and support are maintained regularly.

CSD: Dante devices can be updated via Audinate Dante update online


  • Dante .dnt files for BK3 devices are no longer installed in the Dante folder. Updated the help file to indicate when to use BK2 and when to use BK3 for manual updates. BK3 devices are shipped with the updated and correct file pre-installed, so we have only done this for troubleshooting and reloading the firmware.
  • BK2 and BK3 devices now both appear in the Hardware Manager as '1280C', in the previous version 5.12 BK3 devices were shown as 1280C-1.
  • Dante devices can be updated via the Audinate Dante Update online library.
  • lighttpd web server has been removed from the Dante port of EX devices. This change was made to prevent IT security scans from failing due to an outdated lighttpd web server on Dante ports for EX devices. Instead, the Audinate OSS information has been added to C:\\\\Program Files(x86)\\\\Bose\\\\ControlSpace 5.12\\\\\\LICESNSE.txt.
  • For PSX amplifiers in Project View, the HPF hardware settings guide has been adjusted to always be grayed out (not a default recommendation), and the help file for using the HPF dip switches has been updated. It is not recommended to use a hardware high pass filter (HPF) with dip switch when using a Bose Professional preset that applies a software HPF. Applying 2 HPFs (one hardware, one software) will change the sound from the intended Bose Professional EQ sound.

Bug fixes

  • Parameter Set Lists do not work with CC-XD
  • In rare cases, the blue screen appears too early when going online before selecting the device.
  • Amplifier SP blocks cannot be added to groups and parameter sets via the context menu.
  • In some cases, the logic no longer works in complex systems.
  • In the project view, PM amplifiers do not show mute if the channels are digital.
  • Wires within the logic block are removed by cutting and pasting the logic block.

Third party control

Please refer to the available Crestron and AMX files on BoseProfessional.comBose EX, ESP, EX-8ML Drives for Use with Crestron Systems, November 2022. eX drivers for use with AMX, November 2022

Known issues

Listed below are the known issues and defects in this release. The information contained here may be helpful in troubleshooting problems with the software or hardware:

PSX amplifier settings in the device

  1. PSX does not perform impedance load monitoring during phase 1
  2. PSX cannot function as RTC/main device in phase 1
  3. PSX cannot allow parameter sets, CC-xD, CSR controls to dynamically control the amplifier if the PC is offline during phase 1
  4. PSX cannot use timers
  5. the PSX power-on status is always "Restore last settings" and cannot be switched off
  6. all inputs wake up PSX from standby and cannot be limited to fewer inputs

PSX amplifier signal processing

  1. the limiter of the PSX amplifier behaves differently than that of PowerMatch or PowershareD. Therefore, custom limiter presets have been loaded into the Bose Professional Loudspeaker EQ Preset Files Bank supplied with CSD 5.12 and CSD 5.12.1. The values are different from those of PowerMatch or PowerShareD amplifiers.

Controlspace Remote

  1. when using Controlspace Remote 2.10, groups, PSETS, PSET lists and RC groups are not displayed in the Builder if a PSX is present in the design. Previously defined programming will continue to work. Controlspace Remote 3.0 fixes this problem.
Version: 5.12.1 Link
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