Videobar™ VB1
For which scenarios is Displaylink recommended?
You can disable Displaylink in the Bose Configuration software.
In which scenario is the use of Displaylink recommended?
You can disable Displaylink in the Bose Configuration software.
In which scenario is the use of Displaylink recommended?
DisplayLink is recommended for BYOD (Bring your own Device) scenarios.
This allows the user to connect to the video conferencing technology and the display (display device) with just one cable (USB-C/A).
When using a room PC (e.g. Zoom Room, Microsoft Teams Rooms) or ClickShare Conference, the DisplayLink function should be disabled.
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Why does not Displaylink option stay active?
I have 5 VB1s connected to a screens in my workplace area.
Every single one of them are having the same issue.
I cannot connect my Laptop...
Slowness software?
Using a Macbook Pro M1 2021 with Monterey, the Bose work configuration runs very slowly, it is difficult to recognize the vb1, I have to...
Are drivers required to use the device?
To use VB1 on Windows or MAC, do I need to install drivers?
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