
CAN XL TechDay in Troy (MI)

The nonprofit CAN in Automation (CiA) association with more than 750 members has scheduled a CAN XL TechDay on April 26, 2023.

  • The one-day event offers technically sound presentations on the 3rd CAN protocol generation, also known as CAN XL. The event will be held in Troy, Michigan. The program will cover topics from the physical layer to the data link layer protocol to additional functions such as cybersecurity. The specification for the CAN SIC XL transceiver and the CAN XL protocol for the data link layer have been submitted for standardization in the ISO 11898 series. The CAN XL protocol offers a data field length of up to 2048 bytes. Using optimized network topologies, the maximum data transfer rate is 20 Mbit/s. During the CAN XL TechDay, several companies will show demonstrators showing different application possibilities.
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