Business 250 SeriesCisco
Business 250 Series

How to access the CLI of the 250 Switch on Mac using Terminal app?

How to connect to my switch via Mac using Terminal app?

windowsfan / enthusiast (370)


To access the CLI of a Cisco CBS 250 Series switch using the Terminal app on a Mac, follow these steps:

  1. Open Terminal:
    Navigate to Applications>Utilities>Terminal.
  2. Connect to the Switch:
    For a network connection using SSH, use the following command (replace with the switch’s IP address):
    ssh admin@
    When prompted, enter the switch’s password.
  3. Log In:
    Once connected, you will be prompted to log in. Enter your username and password.
  4. Start Configuring:
    You should now have access to the switch’s CLI and can start entering commands.

Note: You may also watch this Video

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