
New meeting functionalities, improvements, and feature changes


New Webex whiteboard

  • The new Webex whiteboard is an infinite canvas where you can collaborate together with any meeting participants whether they are using Webex Meetings app, Webex App, or Webex devices

Edit In-meeting display name

  • You can now edit your in-meeting display name in the meeting. This makes it easier to use a preferred name or control how you want your name to be seen by others

Enable Webex Assistant

  • The Enable Webex Assistant setting is on by default, in November, unless an administrator has already manually set it to Off.

Custom Dictionary

  • The Custom dictionary feature in Control Hub allows administrators to specify custom out-of-vocabulary words that aren’ t part of the standard dictionary so that when uttered in meetings, they can be transcribed more accurately in the closed captions and transcript.

Webex Scheduler to support Webinar for Microsoft 365 Cloud Customers

  • You can now schedule a webinar from Webex Scheduler for Microsoft 365 Cloud users

New lobby controls for Personal Room meetings

  • The new lobby controls for Personal Room meetings re-categorize guest users, separating them into two groups with separate lobby controls

Microsoft Edge WebView2 (Windows)

  • In this update, Microsoft Edge WebView2 run-time is automatically installed with the latest version of Webex Meetings and Webinars, if it’ s not already installed

Change attendee status to pending on the Manage Webinar Registration page

  • You can now see a Change status to pending button in the manage webinar registration page, which allows you to change the registration status of an approved or declined attendee to pending

Participants are now able to withdraw their replies to questions

  • You can now withdraw the reply using icon > Withdraw. The feature works similarly to question withdrawal and therefore the withdrawn submissions are anonymized

Ability to change settings when a poll is live

  • As a user, you can change the settings even when the poll is live, the toggles appear changeable as opposed to being grayed out as they previously were in this state

Restrict meeting experiences using registry keys on your company devices

  • IT administrators can restrict their company devices to adhere to certain meeting experiences based on their company policies

Forced authentication before joining Webex Meetings

  • IT administrators can now lock the company device to allow only authenticated company users to join meetings using this device

Ability for IT administrators to control secondary camera experience for their meeting users

  • IT administrators can now decide if their users should have the secondary camera capability in their meetings or not

Trusted domains for Personal Room meetings and internal only Personal Room meetings

  • This feature provides more granular control over internal Webex Meetings
Receive Important Update Messages Stay tuned for upcoming Cisco Webex Meetings updates
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