
Share control bar and multiple redesigned meeting experience features


In-meeting experience

  • The share control bar is now expandable and collapsible manually (Meetings and Webinars) - When sharing the screen, sometimes the control bar gets in the way of content and the automatic opening and closing can be distracting.
  • Host's closed captions status is independent of host's Webex Assistant status - When the host turns on the Webex Assistant, it no longer automatically turns on the host's closed captions box; instead, the closed captions box's on or off status is independent and follows the same behavior that exists for attendees.
  • Polling to be managed by both host and cohost - Hosts and cohosts can both manage built-in polling (not Slido) during meetings and webinars.
  • Easily control how your self-view displays - More control over where and when users want to see their own video in meetings, webinars, and webcasts.

Webinar and webcast experience

  • New webcast view experience - The host can setup a customized logo from the scheduling step, which users couldn’ t do before. The host and their attendees are impressed by the polished look of Slido’ s polling and Q&A, as well as the variety of the polling questions. The streaming quality can go up to 1080p. In the previous version, attendees view couldn't be maximized, but in this update, attendees can max out the web browsers' space to view the webcast.
  • Schedule a webinar from within a series - Series owners can now schedule a new webinar from within their series.
  • Manage registration in webinar series - Webinar series owners and collaborators can now manage the registration of individual webinars in their series through the series information page. They can view how many people have registered for each webinar, including the number of pending, approved, and rejected registrants.
  • Webinar update - Webinar users now see a new component on the webinar scheduling page, which contains links to a webinars quick start guide as well as other help documents.
  • Hosts, cohosts, and panelists to initiate private chat with attendees - Webinar hosts, cohosts, and panelists can now initiate a private chat with attendees using the chat panel or the participant list.

Slido experience

  • Animated Wordcloud poll - Present and Participant modes now displays an animated arrangement of the submissions to wordcloud polls.
  • Emoji rating poll - Users can now select your preference of stars or emojis for rating polls. This can be found as a setting in the Additional Poll settings.
  • Multiple rooms supported - The possibility to change rooms in your Slido event is now supported within Webex integration.
  • Webex typing indicator - Added a typing indicator to rating and multiple-choice polls, so users know the exact number of participants who are still typing their answers Webex and Site Administrators have this feature.

Webex Meetings for iOS and Android

  • Option to hide profile picture in the grid layout when self-video is off - Mobile users can now either show or hide their profile picture self-view in the grid layout when their self-video is off.

Webex Meetings for iOS

  • New redesigned meetings experience for Meetings on iPhone and iPad - The Webex Meetings app for iPhone and iPad is redesigned to provide a better experience for users

Administration experience

  • Restrict meeting experiences using registry keys on your company devices - IT administrators can restrict their company devices to adhere to certain meeting experience based on their company policies. This can be done by pushing down a registry key across all your company-owned devices.
  • Update sites with external users to Control Hub management - The IT admin can now update the site management from Site Administration to Control Hub for sites which have users in other Orgs.z
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