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Introduction to Cisco RoomOS 11


RoomOS 11 User Interface

  • The new RoomOS 11 UI gives the devices a modernized experience with an app centric navigation paradigm.

Support for Cisco Room Kit EQ / Cisco Codec EQ

  • RoomOS 11 introduces support for the new integrator device, the Cisco Room Kit EQ.

Support for AirPlay

  • RoomOS 11 introduces support for AirPlay, offering another simple and familiar sharing experience. Connect your iPhone, iPad or Mac to effortlessly share your screen, collaborate and playback audio and video content.
    Supported products
    All products except Board 55 / Board 70 (first generation)

Native Zoom button and in-call controls

  • In previous versions it have been possible to join Zoom meetings as these are SIP calls. We have seen the need for a simpler way to join these meetings and are now introducing a native Zoom button that will allow you to type in the Zoom meeting ID and a passphrase for joining the meeting.

New whiteboard version with improved usability

  • A new version of the whiteboard is implemented in RoomOS 11. This version introduces new tools and operations.

Some of the new tools include:

  • New shapes tool
  1. Create new shapes (squares, triangles or circles) with options for resizing the shapes and move them around
  2. Select the shape to change color of the shape, make it transparent or delete the shape
  • New selection tool
  1. Drag your finger or pen over the board to select objects, drawings or sticky notes to move them to other locations
  2. When selected a delete button will appear. When pressed all the selected objects will be deleted
  • New eraser tool
  1. In previous versions you would have to delete each pixel, the new version will delete the whole stroke object
  • Change name of the whiteboard
  1. By selecting the name of the whiteboard in the top left corner you will be able to name the whiteboard
  • Browse your current whiteboards
  1. Select the file icon in the bottom left corner to bring up the whiteboard browser
  2. Select saved whiteboards to continue working on previous whiteboards
  • Magic pen tool
  1. The whiteboard can recognize basic shapes like, square, circles, triangles, rectangles, arrows and curved lines as you draw them and will straighten edges and close small gaps in the outline for you.

Persistent camera and microphone access for Web View and WebRTC meetings

  • In previous version you had to grant camera and microphone access each time you accessed a web app that required the use of microphone or camera, for example in a WebRTC call.
  • With this feature you can persistently add hostnames to a list where microphone and/or camera access should be allowed by default. This has to be performed from the xAPI

AV Integrator Option key

  • A new option key that unlocks the Audio Console for products that have this option, i.e. Room Kit EQ.

Default passphrase policy updated

  • While the default passphrase remains unchanged, the device will not allow calling until a passphrase has been set on the device. This means that we now require a passphrase to be set on the device in order to unlock the full functionality of the device. This will be noted in a warning displayed on the screen.
Version: Link
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