SDK bugs fix documentation and system requirements information
Bug fixes
Issue number 82151 fix - When the In-Sight SDK fails to load a job from a local PC to a vision system using CvsInSightDisplay.InSight.File.LoadJobFileLocally () function
A workaround can be done by following these steps:
- Use CvsInSightDisplay.InSight.File.SendFileToInSight () to send the job from your PC to the vision system
- Use CvsInSightDisplay.InSight.File.LoadJobFile () to load the job from your vision system
Issue number 31753 - The In-Sight SDK items (such as CvsInSightDisplay) that require updates, will only request updates when they are visible, not when they are hidden or minimized
- A workaround can be done by calling either CvsInSight.AcceptUpdate() and/or CvsInSightDisplay.AcceptUpdate()
- It is recommended that a handler be attached to the CvsInSight.ResultsChanged event, and once the results have been handled, CvsInSight.AcceptUpdate should be called.
Issue number 11930
- It is recommended to ensure that a vision system is offline before calling the SetExpression method.