Crestron 4-Series™ Control Engine Support
Forum, Problems & Help and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The section below is a forum dedicated to Crestron 4-Series™ Control Engine within the devicebase community. It provides a platform for users to discuss frequently asked questions (FAQs), share problems, and exchange helpful tips. Crestron representatives and users can participate in these discussions. Users who contribute the most valuable answers and insights for a product are recognized as product experts. If you have any issues or require support, ask your questions to other devicebase users.

All questions about Crestron 4-Series™ Control Engine
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What is the best way to control a Samsung QM display?
Are there drivers for Samsung displays or what is the best way to drive a Samsung display (QM series)?
Can a CP4N change the given IPs via DHCP over the control LAN?
I am using a DHCP to set NVX encoders Stream IP addresses, and I want to know if the CP4N will change the addresses when...
CP3 Slaved to a CP4 – is it possible?
Is it possible to set up a Crestron CP3 as a slave to a CP4?
The CP4N is dropping pings?
While troubleshooting the CP4N Biamp connection, the Biamp is not missing a ping but the CP4N is constantly doing it. Is this expected?
Does Crestron CP4-R work with third-party modules?
Using a Creston CP4-R with Creston Home, and I was wondering if it can be used with Phillips Hue drivers?
CP4N Control Subnet not handing out DHCP addresses?
Does DHCP reservation need to be done on devices connected to a switch, plugged into the Control subnet of a CP4N?
What does Crestron ID mean?
What exactly does the Crestron ID mean on various devices such as touch panels and controllers?
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