The manufacturer Crestron has not yet set up its devicebase profile. Content such as updates, compatibilities and support may only be maintained with a delay.

IPV6 Support Along With Other Improvements, Feature Updates, And Fixes



  • IPV6 support for all models
  • DM NAX (AES657) output gain adjustment (All models)

Bug fixes
  • When Vlan is enabled, ports now receive Local if no static or DHCP address is present
  • Reduced the time it takes 802.1x to authenticate
  • Resolved an issue where HDCP mode set to never still required HDCP authentication
  • Improved USB traffic when using USB Pass through optical isolators
  • Improved USB connectivity for some Apple computers
  • Resolved an issue where the USB HID port may continue to execute keystrokes after removing the USB connection
  • Improved the D30 and D200 fan control
  • 120/240 hz resolution now supports the background image
  • Security updates:
  • Improved password enforcement rules
  • Updated Cryptographically TLS keys
  • Fixed an issue where 802.1x trusted certificates could not be changed when port mapping was enabled
Version: 7.1.5259.00030 Link
Receive Important Update Messages Stay tuned for upcoming Crestron DM-NVX-360C updates

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