The manufacturer Crestron has not yet set up its devicebase profile. Content such as updates, compatibilities and support may only be maintained with a delay.

Multiple Logic symbols can now be inserted at the same time

SIMPL Features

  • Add multiple logic symbols to Program Tree at one time: Added support for adding multiple copies of a symbol from the Symbol Library, to the Logic Folder in a program:
  1. Via Status Bar: Select the Logic Folder and type the name of the symbol to add. Hit <control key="">=""&gt;+<enter> to be prompted for number of instances to add.
  2. Via Symbol Library: Select the symbol in the symbol library, right click and select "Add Multiple To Program" to be prompted for number of instances to add.
  • Crestron Construct generated Gui Extender input/output label display options:
  1. Crestron Construct will generate Crestron HTML5 Definition (CHD) files for programming of the associated GUI Extenders in SIMPL.
  2. In Symbol Detail View, these GUI Symbol Extenders may enclose the inputs/outputs in a group. Inclusion in a group is based on what type of Send or Receive join the item pertains to (refer to Crestron Construct documentation for more information).
  3. When cues are grouped, the cue names will represent the Construct component name and the Group name.
  4. There is an option in Options-&gt;Preferences-&gt;Program Editing-&gt; "Display full Symbol cues for Crestron Construct GUI Extenders". When this is deselected, input/output labels will display the Construct component name only. This option defaults to full cue.

SIMPL Bug fixes

  • Resolved issue with Replace Control System on a program containing HTML5 Gui Extenders (a.k.a Contract Editor .CHD output files). The GUI Extenders were not always retained in the new program.
  • Resolved issues with I/O Groups in, Symbol Detail View, not retaining their expand/collapse state on program re-open.
  • Updated C++ redistributable package, that is installed by the SIMPL Installer, to the latest version.
  • Resolved issue with Duplicate Device Programming not retaining the 'do not compile' status of signals that were marked to not be compiled (i.e. signals prefaced with '//')
  • Resolved issue with replacing a device, and the new device symbol(s) being assigned the name of the original device. Unless the old and new devices are the same, the new device name(s) should reflect the name from the Device Database model.</enter></control>
Version: 4.2500.04.00 Link
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