
New feature Auto Decrement Shortcut Keys and several bug fixes

SIMPL Features

  • Added Auto Decrement Shortcut Keys F11/Shift+F11: Auto Decrement works on signals and allows you to create new signals, based on the signal name above the selected input/output/parameter, decrementing the first or last number component in the base signal name.
  1. Added shortcut key F11 to initiate the Edit Menu->'Auto Decrement First Number' command in Detail View.
  2. Added shortcut key Shift+F11 to initiate the Edit Menu->'Auto Decrement Last Number' command in Detail View.
  • VC-4 Support for user IP Tables: SIMPL will leave the IP Table file (.dip) in the project folder to make it easier for Ethernet-Only 4-Series user to create user IP Tables for each room.
  • SIMPL Windows 'About' information will now include the Crestron Construct version if it is installed.

SIMPL Bug fixes

  • Resolved issue with entering text in the status bar to add a symbol to the program. A bug in SIMPL 4.22 was not clearing the last entry.
  • Resolved issue with a Program Tree folder not retaining its selection status after a Search and Replace/F9 operation has been performed.

Associated Models

Version: 4.2700.00.01 Link
Receive Important Update Messages Stay tuned for upcoming Crestron SIMPL updates
The manufacturer Crestron has not yet set up its devicebase profile. Content such as updates, compatibilities and support may only be maintained with a delay.

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