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Recent UI Enhancements and bug fixes

Recent UI Enhancements

Auto Decrement Shortcut Keys F11/Shift F11:

  • Added shortcut key F11 to initiate the Edit Menu -> 'Auto Decrement First
  • Number' command in Detail View.
  • Added shortcut key Shift+F11 to initiate the Edit Menu -> 'Auto Decrement Last. Number' command in Detail View

If using DM XIO devices in a program, with Device Database 200.70.001 or greater, please use SIMPL 4.17 or greater.

Add multiple logic symbols to Program Tree at one time: Added support for adding multiple copies of a symbol from the Symbol Library to the Logic Folder in a program:

  • Via Status Bar: Select the Logic Folder and type the name of the symbol to add. Hit <control key="">=""<+<enter> to be prompted for number of instances to add.
  • Via Symbol Library: Select the symbol in the symbol library, right click and select "Add Multiple To Program" to be prompted for number of instances to

Copy Error Log: Error Log and S+ Status Window now have "Copy To Clipboard" functionality.

  • In the SIMPL Error Log: Click on the "Copy" button
  • In the SIMPL+ Status Window: Right click and select "Copy to clipboard"

Online menu now provides a link to the Application Market, Crestron Certified Drivers, and Crestron Online help.

Crestron Certified Drivers website link is now available via the Symbol Library in a folder located right after the Crestron Applications Market folder.

Help menu now provides a link to the SIMPL Online help.

Alt+U keyboard shortcut will display the GUI Extender Management dialog if there are touch screens in the current program.

Smart Graphics Extenders with CRPC modules:

  • CRPC Modules for SG Extenders: When importing a Smart Graphics Definition (.SGD) file, or performing Duplicate Device Programming, or Copy GUI Extender Programming operation on SG Extenders, a unique instance of the appropriate CRPC module will be added to the Logic folder under a "Smart Graphics Modules" subfolder. Each module instance will have a comment indicating the address of the associated GUI Extender.
  • It is ok to move these modules out of this folder but, you will not be allowed to copy, rename, or move the "Smart Graphics Modules" folder. This folder is
    added to ensure optimal success of Duplicate Device Programming, copy
    programming options, and deletion of SG Extenders. In addition, for SIMPL
    version 4.1600+, SIMPL will be able to track the link between the SG Extenders
    and their associated modules, which will also ensure optimal success of the
    above actions.
  • Best Practices recommends to not comment out the "Smart Graphics Modules" folder if it contains any CRPC logic modules.

Crosspoint Routing Files (for programs with Crosspoint programming), are now added to the SIMPL archive.

Error messages preceded by a "**" can be doubled clicked on to have SIMPL aid the user in error resolution when feasible.

There is an option to have the Program Tree expand and highlight which symbol is currently the active window in Symbol Detail View (default is enabled).

The default location of SIMPL Programs, User Modules, User SPlus Modules and User IR Drivers folders will now be UAC compliant. Installing on top of existing SIMPL installations will not lose current selections. (see 4.14.10 notes for more details)

There is an option to disable showing the signal connection status in different colors. This option, 'Display signal connection status", and the color selection is on the Preferences -> Program Editing dialog.

F8 will toggle the Hide Unused slots option in the System Configuration tree at the selected node.

Tool bar Icon Size Selection: Added selection of Large or Small icons to show on the SIMPL Tool bar, System Configuration Tree and Program Tree. There is a new "Toolbar Size" menu option on the View menu, with a sub menu providing Large and Small icons. It is recommended when using a 4k display monitor set to high scaling and resolution, to use the Large Icons.

Recent Known Issues

Display Issue in SIMPL+ Editor: SIMPL+ source code opens in the editor and is blurred or distorted.

  • If this happened after you opened the file in the SIMPL+ Editor and then
    dragged the editor to another display, close the file, make sure the SIMPL+
    Editor window is on the display monitor you want to work, and then reopen the SIMPL+ source file.

SIMPL+ modules referencing USL libraries and compiled by SIMPL 4.14.10: If an S+ module with a USL reference is compiled in SIMPL 4.14.10 is added to a program in SIMPL 4.14.20 or higher, you may get an error in the Error Log indicating the USL data could not be opened. One Recompile All will resolve this.

SIMPL Features and Bug Fixes

SIMPL Bug fixes

  • Resolved issue with Input and Output lines not showing the correct signal type on some CHD Gui Extender Symbols. Note: This was cosmetic only and users were still able to program those inputs and outputs with the proper signal type.
  • Resolved an issue with resyncing CHD Gui Extenders sometimes losing programming on CH5 list control items.

SIMPL+ Fixes

Resolved SIMPL+ Compiler CLZ validation when multiple CLZs reference thesame libraries, where 2 methods have same signature

Version: 4.2800.00.01 Link
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