Changed behavior so the panel will no longer require a reboot to enroll in ZDM.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected issue where recurring meetings get truncated for decline for no show when it happens for just a single instance.
- Corrected issue where future instances of recurring meetings were not being displayed when using Graph API for O365.
- Corrected issue with Video stream not working when the stream URL to the panel adds a trailing “/”.
MS Teams Panel
- Corrected issue where Intune would show the device as non-compliant even when the block usb debugging option was marked as “blocked”.
- Updated Microsoft Teams Panel app to the following versions, please refer to Microsoft for release notes on the new apks.
- Teams APK Version: 1449/
- AA APK version:
New Features
- This version includes the latest security updates and improvements.
- Improvements to ZDM functionality
- Changed behavior so the panel will no longer require a reboot to enroll in ZDM.
- Improvements to Crestron Home
- Improved auto answer performance for paging.
Additional Notes:
For Teams Panel users please do not update to this firmware until Microsoft releases this in TAC, it
normally takes 5 business after Crestron’s release, for a new firmware version to be posted in TAC.