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New Features

New Features

  • Added information about the AIX update access key topic. AIX update access key (UAK) must be verified when you update the version of the AIX operating system.
  • The support to remove Java™ 5 software in the base operating system installation menus and in the bosinst_data resources for network migrations is deprecated.
  • Updated information about support for 64 KB pages in Active Memory Expansion (AME). AME supports enablement of 64 KB pages by default starting with Power10 processor-based servers.
  • You can encrypt LVs in the root volume group (rootvg) that are used in the boot process. For more information, see the Logical volume encryption topic.
  • Updated the options in the Installation and Settings SMIT menu. For more information about the options, see the BOS installation options topic.
  • You can now save and restore all AIX tunable parameter values after the next boot and next Live Update operations. Updated SMIT instructions in the Global manipulation of tuning parameters topic.
  • Updated information about -a nfs_version flag and -a sec_version flag in the Using the NIM bos_inst operation topic.
  • Updated information about AIX binary compatibility with AIX Version 7.3. For more information, see Restrictions for AIX binary compatibility.
  • AIX IP Security (IPsec) supports the Network Address Translation Traversal (NAT-T) function with Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2). For more information, see Configuring IP security (IKEv2) to work with NAT and Limitations when using the NAT-T function with IKEv2.
  • The AIX operating system supports fragmentation of IKE (IKE_AUTH) messages with Version 2 (IKEv2). For more information, see IKE (IKE_AUTH) message fragmentation.
  • Updated information about enhancements in SMB protocol 3.0.2 in the SMB client file system topic.
  • Updated information about the Fibre Channel Adapter Outstanding-Requests Limit in the Disk and disk adapter tunable parameters topic.
  • The M:N thread model is no longer supported. For more information, see the Thread tuning topic.
  • The process contention scope is no longer supported. For more information, see and pthread_attr_getscope and pthread_attr_setscope Subroutines topics.
  • Updated the Chinese (Hant) information in the Unicode encoded languages and locales in AIX table in the Supported languages and locales topic.
  • Updated information about a new fork capability that creates a child process that does not inherit shared memory in the following topics:
  • fork, f_fork, p_fork, or vfork Subroutine
  • posix_spawnattr_getflags or posix_spawnattr_setflags Subroutine
  • posix_spawn or posix_spawnp Subroutine
  • Added information about the Special use system memory Subsystem. Special use system memory subsystem provides device driver support for memory technologies that can be used as disk storage.
  • Added information about the mksysb_iso command that creates a bootable ISO 9660 media from a system backup image (mksysb).
  • Added information about the lparstat command that reports logical partition (LPAR) related information and statistics.
  • The create_ova command uses the Nest Accelerator (NX) GZIP compression accelerator, when available, on POWER9™ and Power10 systems by using the pigz utility. Added information about the -c flag of the create_ova command that can use the gzip utility instead of the default pigz utility.
  • Support for Network Time Protocol (NTP) version 3 is removed. The following commands are no longer supported: xntpd, xntpdc, ntpdate, ntptrace, ntpq. For compatibility with earlier versions of NTP, the symbolic links point to NTP version 4 binary files by default so that the same commands continue to work. For more information, see Network Time Protocol (NTP).
  • Enhanced the pmcycles -M command to report the measured processor frequency.
  • Enhanced the lparstat -N command to report the EnergyScale power and performance mode and processor frequency information on Power10, and later, processor-based servers.
Version: 7.3
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