
Several improvements and new camera features


  • Easy setup for developing vision apps for IDS NXT cameras
  • Programming, building, and deploying vision apps directly from the development environment on the IDS NXT camera
  • Debugging on the camera
  • Creating project settings and initial project structure with the project wizard

Open Issues:

  • The processing of CNNs by the deep ocean core is done exclusively for a single vision app. If you want to start another vision app, that also requires the deep ocean core, you have to stop the currently running vision app first.
  • Only one vision app can be debugged at a time. It is recommended to deactivate all other vision apps on the respective camera.
Receive Important Update Messages Stay tuned for upcoming IDS Imaging Vision Apps Creator updates
The manufacturer IDS Imaging has not yet set up its devicebase profile. Content such as updates, compatibilities and support may only be maintained with a delay.

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