IFTTT Inc. IFTTT App Support
Forum, Problems & Help and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The section below is a forum dedicated to IFTTT Inc. IFTTT App within the devicebase community. It provides a platform for users to discuss frequently asked questions (FAQs), share problems, and exchange helpful tips. IFTTT Inc. representatives and users can participate in these discussions. Users who contribute the most valuable answers and insights for a product are recognized as product experts. If you have any issues or require support, ask your questions to other devicebase users.
All questions about IFTTT Inc. IFTTT App
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Is it compatible with any device?
Aside from Android devices, what other devices does the IFTTT App works or compatible with?
Setup Alexa Action by Mkzense?
Hello everyone,
I would like to connect my aPager Pro app to Alexa via IFTTT.
To do this, I followed the instructions
Unfortunately, I cannot select an action...
Can I update my account through IFTTT?
Would it be possible if I update my IFTTT account though the IFTTT App? How can I do that?
Use Google To Boost Hive Hot Water For An Hour - not working?
I have an IFTTT command setup for my Google home, however, it has stopped working.
The applet is called "Use Google AssistantTo Boost Hive Hot Water...
Location changes when i unlock phone ?
Hi I have Samsung s22 Ultra and when my phone lock screen is unlocked and i am at home, I get a IFTTT notification saying...
Error message RSS feed from JTL to Twitter Facebook etc?
I have a RSS Feed
New products should be posted to automatically with picture , but it always appears the error
File not found
Image of...
How do I avoid IFTTT from opening when using buttons?
I have several button triggers that interact with my smart home devices through alexa when I click them. The problem is that, when I click...
Alexa Routine May I get up?
Hello dear Forianer,
I am not sure anymore if I am in the right forum but I will try anyway.
I would like to create an Alexa...
Twitter to Facebook Page?
I'm an IFTTT newbie, trying to get to grips with very simple stuff.
I am uploading a photo to a Facebook page every time a tweet...
Quora, IFTTT and Google API - totally out of my depth?
I want IFTTT to send me an email when a new question appears on Quora that contains my chosen keyword.
Quora doesn't have RSS feeds...
Auto answer features?
I am looking for an app that will answer immediately from a specific number then press the #1 key on the phone pad up to...
How do I connect a WebApp via an API?
I have the following use case:
- An app fires a trigger via a webhook and passes a JSON payload. This works
- now I want to call the...
What is the Frequency of Trigger Checking?
I have written two applets that are checking the temp(indoor & outdoor) via Ecobee. The application is running but only once or twice a...
Where are my Google Assistant v2 & SmartThings applets?
Hello! I noticed today that all applets with the combo Google Assistant v2 & SmartThings are no longer displayed in the menu "My Applets" (not...
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