eBox professionalInnogy
eBox professional

innogy / compleo ebox professional software update?

Thanks, that's a good start for me. However, I have 2x ebox professional boxes (HW 3.0 + HW 3.5) which both have the current software version v2.1.43 (directly via the web interface and admin + password). Which is the jump version to install the next versions? v2.1.3? Do I have to install version 2.2.0 next, then v2.2.1 and finally v.2.4.1? Can I finally install the latest version v2.4.1 for both hardware versions 3.0 + 3.5?
The reason I am asking so precisely is that I can no longer control both eboxes with the MONTA app via LAN1 on the eClick to the router, but only via WLAN. I would have liked to change this back to LAN connection. With the old Compleo echarge app, this worked without any problems and the LAN connection was also set up and active! My hope is that this will work again with the latest v2.4.1! Do you have any information on whether this is the case? Thanks for your feedback Greetings


Next time, please answer directly below the question so that I can see the answer sooner and others can follow the progress.

Update firmware

Almost correct. Version 2.1.43 is greater than version 2.1.3, so next comes 2.2.0, then 2.2.1, then 2.4.1 There is a small diagram on the website showing the correct way.

Connection App

There may be several reasons for the problem with the LAN.

  • The manufacturer may have deactivated this access due to security concerns from internal attackers (from your network)
  • A setting has been overwritten.
  • The box is not in your network.

In the instructions under 6.1 you will find the option to set the network.
Activate the setting to start DHCP client and deactivate the static IP.

Also contact the manufacturer for the best way to do this.

I also thought that version 2.2.0 would be the first firmware I would have to install and then the others.
Regarding the LAN problem: Everything is as before when using the "private charging" via the eCharge app and nothing has been changed in my network. Same IP address, same LAN cable, same switch, same router (FritzBox) and yet the MONTA app can only establish a connection via WLAN. The load management that I also control via the LAN 2 port of the respective eBox with my energy management system works via LAN connection (cable) and I can also administer both eBoxes via this. So something must have changed in connection with the MONTA app so that the eBoxes can no longer be controlled via LAN 1 with a physical LAN cable. That's why I thought I'd update the eBoxes with the latest firmware to see if that fixes the problem.
Which app do you use for the eBox "private charging" function?

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