Compatibility of operating systems and device form factors?
With which operating systems and device form factors is Unite compatible / usable?
With which operating systems and device form factors is Unite compatible / usable?
Thanks for your question. I suppose a part of your question refers to the client devices which Unite supports, i.e. the devices used by the end users (meeting participants). Unite clients are available for Windows, MacOS, Linux as well as for iOS (Apple iPhone) and Android. Typical client form factors are PC (notebook/laptop), tablet and mobile phone.
In addition, Unite requires a so-called "hub"; these are PCs available from various manufacturers and in different form factors. For example, the hub can be a mini-PC that is installed behind the meeting room screen (invisible to the meeting participants). For an overview of such devices, please consult the list at the end of this web site (there is also a link to the support page from which you can download Unite clients): https://www.intel.de/content/www/de/de/architecture-and-technology/unite/intel-unite-overview.html
Kind regards,
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