KEBA KeContact P30 Support
Forum, Problems & Help and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The section below is a forum dedicated to KEBA KeContact P30 within the devicebase community. It provides a platform for users to discuss frequently asked questions (FAQs), share problems, and exchange helpful tips. KEBA representatives and users can participate in these discussions. Users who contribute the most valuable answers and insights for a product are recognized as product experts. If you have any issues or require support, ask your questions to other devicebase users.
All questions about KEBA KeContact P30
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RFID cards cannot be read
Hello our customer has the following wallbox : EN Type2-6m Cable 22kW-UMTS3G-RFID-M&E - 108338 Problem: The supplied RFID cards could not be programmed ! The...
No WLAN accessibility after reboot?
I have been able to reach the box over my WLAN network for the last few days. 192.168.178.xx.
Since a reboot, the call via browser to...
Wie kann ich bei Keba P30 die Uhrzeit einstellen?
Hallo zusammen, irgendwie wird in der Web Oberfläche meiner Keba Wallbox keine Uhrzeit bei den Ladesitzungen angezeigt. Da steht immer nur NaN; die Uhrzeit ist...
Welche DIP-Schalter Stellungen werden benötigt um die eine Ausgangsladestärke von 16A zu erreichen?
Moin in die Runde, gestern wurde meine Wallbox montiert. Abgesichert mit 16A. Gerade einmal nach den DIP Schaltern in der Box geschaut, da sind wohl 25...
What residual current switch do I need to operate the P30?
What residual current switch do I need to operate the P30 charger?
Error after update?
Hello I have a master slave configuration and have run an update of the software. Actually the slave should update itself automatically. Instead it lights...
Update p30x?
Hallokann someone explain to a technical layman , how I update the p30x?
I can connect to the web interface.But the updates are not loaded.
It seems...
Fix error after P30 x-Series update?
How do you do?
We have 3 P30 charging stations, one x-series and 2 c-series which are configured as a charging network.
Recently we tried to update...
Is there a way to control the charging current?
Is there a way to control the charging current?
RFID Authorization ?
I have a Wallbox P30X. The authorization of the RFID cards does not work as it is described! A programming via the web interface unfortunately...
How many RFID cards can be connected to one station?
How many RFID cards can be connected to one station to the maximum?
Does the system continue to work after a fault is detected?
Does the system continue to work after a fault is detected and corrected?
Where can I see the current software version?
Where can I see the current software version?
What is the current of detection of glaze?
What is the current of detection of glaze and can any other (higher) value be adjusted?
Ladeleistung ist nach Firmwareupdate begrenzt. Hat noch jemand das Problem?
Bräuchte mal etwas Hilfe zu Keba Ladeboxen. Master und 3 Slave. Wir haben diese im Verbund (LAN ) installiert. Es soll abhängig von den PV...
How do I solve error Blue/Red/Red/Blue on P30X Slaves ?
Hello, I have a chain of P30X Stations, 5 slaves connected to one Master. The network is connected to a remote Backend. I had to change...
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