ETS6 ProfessionalKNX Association
ETS6 Professional

How to activate ETS6 license?

Can someone please explain to me how can I activate the ETS6 license and what are the ways possible to perform that action?

landon-j / enthusiast (181)


Top answer

After you finish the ETS6 installation, you do not have a licensed product. Adding the license determines whether your ETS6 will be Professional, Home, or Lite.

There are two possible ways to license your ETS6 software, guided licensing requiring an active internet connection or manual licensing, which can be performed offline.

Guided licensing for ETS6 activation

Assuming you have already installed the software ETS6, plug in the KNX USB Licensing dongle that is sent to you by the KNX Association into your PC where you want the software to be licensed.

After starting up the ETS6, the licensing guide will be displayed, requiring you to enter the account credentials and log in (note that for this licensing, you need an active internet connection).

In case you don't have a MyKNX account yet, you need to create one by clicking on the "Create New Account", if you forgot your password, you need to reset it by clicking on the respective "Forgot Password?", or if you want to check the Demo version of ETS6, please click the "Run Demo" button in the down right corner.

After you log in, the ETS6 is connected to the MyKNX account in the background, fetching and displaying any available ETS6 licenses. As you can see in the picture below, there are two displayed licenses from which you need to pick the one you want and press the "Activate" button.

By clicking on the Activate button, you have finished the ETS6 licensing and your software is ready to be used.

Manual licensing

This type of licensing starts with the same two steps as the guided one, first you need to have the ETS6 software installed and then plug in the KNX USB Licensing dongle.

You need to run the ETS6 software in Demo mode, where you must navigate to the "Settings" button from the main Dashboard toolbar and click on the "Licensing" tab.

On the right side, please press the button saying "Copy Dongle ID".

After this, you need to sign in to your MyKNX account on the official website, navigate to the "Account" drop-down menu, and click on the "Products" selection. There, the obtained ETS6 and ETS6 App licenses will be listed in the "Licenses" section.

Find the "Product Key" of the respective product, paste the copied KNX USB Licensing dongle ID from ETS6 in the previous steps and press the "Add key" button to create the license.

Once you press the "Add key" button, a link will appear, named "Download License", which after clicking will download you a zip file. The zip file contains the license you need.

Unzip the content from the zip file, and you can find the needed license with the file extension ".license" and a name pattern: "ETS6 >".

To add the license to the ETS6, repeat the starting steps. Start the program in Demo mode, click on "Settings" and then on the "Licensing" section.

Click the + "Add license" button and navigate to the place your license is downloaded. After selecting the license and opening it, the ETS6 license will be shown in a few seconds.

sonny-s / enthusiast (262)

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