Lenovo ThinkSmart Core + Controller Kit Support
Forum, Problems & Help and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The section below is a forum dedicated to Lenovo ThinkSmart Core + Controller Kit within the devicebase community. It provides a platform for users to discuss frequently asked questions (FAQs), share problems, and exchange helpful tips. Lenovo representatives and users can participate in these discussions. Users who contribute the most valuable answers and insights for a product are recognized as product experts. If you have any issues or require support, ask your questions to other devicebase users.

AV System Integration
All questions about Lenovo ThinkSmart Core + Controller Kit
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How can I factory reset the ThinkSmart Core?
What is the process flow for performing a factory settings reset to the Lenovo ThinkSmart Core and the Controller Kit?
What ports does the Lenovo Core PC have?
What ports does the Lenovo Core PC have and how is the controller connected?
Is it possible to switch from Zoom Room to Microsoft Teams Room?
The Lenovo ThinkSmart Core was shipped with Zoom Room. Is it possible to switch the system to Microsoft Teams Room?
Is wall mounting of the controller possible?
Is it possible to mount the controller on the wall? Is a special mounting kit needed for this?
The room display is unplugged?
The room display is unplugged.Plug it back for the best experience. On a logitech tap room.
We've checked all the cables and it's properly connected. Tried...
Does the system have HDMI input?
We are considering purchasing a core/controller kit. However, we still want to connect via an HDMI cable via laptop. Does the kit have an HDMI...
Are microphone and speaker integrated in the controller?
Are the microphone and speakers integrated in the Lenovo Think Smart Controller, like in the ThinkSmart Hub in the device?
Why is the controller stuck on blank screen?
We have several Lenovo Core MTR at a customer site. When customer arrives in the morning the controller is blank (this is system with Lenovo...
How is the touch screen connected to the core?
With which cable is the monitor connected to the Core PC and does it need its own power supply?
How long is the cable between the core and controller?
How long is the cable between core and controller and can it be extended if necessary?
Password for device management?
Hello, can someone tell me the default password for device management?
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