The manufacturer Lenovo has set up its devicebase profile. Contents like updates, compatibilities and support are maintained regularly.

Windows Autopilot and Auto-login preview


  • Windows Autopilot and Auto-Login Preview . This is now available for Pro Management Portal customers who have been nominated for the preview. To sign up, contact your Microsoft Account Team. This feature provides a seamless end-to-end setup for Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows.
  • The app version information is now displayed on the setup screens, including the one-time passcode screen.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused the video to freeze temporarily when using the Yealink SmartVision 60.
  • Other bug fixes and improvements.
  • App version information is now displayed on the setup screens, including the one-time passcode screen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the video to freeze temporarily when using the Yealink SmartVision 60.
  • Other bug fixes and improvements
Version: Teams Rooms Link
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