Introducing Mice and Keyboard Settings!
Introducing Mice and Keyboard Settings!
- You can now configure your Logitech keyboards and mice with an initial set of settings.
- You can now manage common settings for non-Logitech webcams, centralizing control of all your devices in one place.
- We’ve enhanced the webcam positioning control. After zooming in, you can simply click and drag to fine-tune your webcam video feed quickly.
- Meeting provider icons are now shown on agenda items and meeting notifications if the event has a video conferencing link. This allows you to quickly see what provider is being used before jumping into the meeting.
- Logitech Desk Booking:
- Booking a desk in a different time zone is now simpler. Your desk booking will now reflect the time zone of the building in which it’s located.
- When another date is selected, the current date will be highlighted in purple, making it easier to identify.
- Your profile image will now be shown in the top right corner of the app instead of the default profile image.
- When viewing your organization's people list, your already-added teammates will be highlighted. This makes it easy to identify who's already your teammate.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where teammate names could show incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where Logi Tune may not show up correctly when using a second monitor.
- Fixed an issue where a desk's booked state may not correctly update.
- General bug fixes.