Rally BarLogitech
Rally Bar

Microphone quality?


we are running the Rally Bar in BYOD mode with a MicPod in a room about 8 x 4 meters. Since the laptop is a bit further away from the RallyBar, we connect it with the 10 meter Logitech USB-Strong cable. The quality of the output is ok, but the voice comes across very choppy to the other person. We use Teams.

Is there any experience here with a similar constellation or suggestions for solutions?

Many greetings




Are you running the Rallybar audio in-- (mic pod is 4.5m pickup but expect drop off the more you move away from it)

SPEAKER MODES: DEFAULT VS. SPEAKER BOOST MODE When external mic pods are connected to Rally Bar or Rally Bar Mini, they can function in one of two modes: the default speaker mode or Speaker Boost Mode. • In the default setting, the camera’ s internal microphones automatically work in concert with the external mic pods. • In Speaker Boost Mode, only the external mic pods function. The camera’ s internal microphones are turned off.

what does Teams call health when you are in the call? - latency, jitter, etc.

is it always the same remote party complaining about your audio or all parties?

is the room acoustically challenged? high ceilings, bare walls, glass/hardsurfaces

Top answer

sorry should have added this


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