Rally BarLogitech
Rally Bar

Rally Bar Stuck in HDMI view?

Hello, since logitech for this device and its setup or even the support material has earned a medal for "unnecessarily complicated" must hich here times ask:

I got dach long fight the device into the network.

Why here nowhere the MAC is displayed and not even on the package or the device decides my understanding...

Good then I had to just about the cell phone first download an update and look for the Mac :/ After that gings also with the network :/

Now I have network and could look around how to use that.

For "testing"; before I hand over my GF; I wanted to join a GoTo meeting.

Now I'm stuck but. The TV tells me "Please connect HDMI" but I don't want that at all. How please for the love of god do you get back to the service provider selection?

I don't want screen sharing from the notebook, that doesn't get me anywhere. I would like to join a GoTo directly on the device via ID Without that I have to connect more stuff.

The remote control has no Funtion

I have no TAP interface

Even reboot brings nothing the part insists on a HDMI connection

How do I get back?

Thank you

br0kk85 / newcomer (8)


Top answer

The MAC address can be seen in the settings or via Sync.

If you want to run GoTo directly on the Rally Bar (Applience mode) you must connect the HDMI output. Here the image of the opposite side (and on-screen menu) is transmitted.

If you want to change the mode, press and hold the handset button for a few seconds - more info here.

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