Rally BarLogitech
Rally Bar

Why does LG monitor does not work on HDMI output of Rally Bar?

Hi, we replaced a number of old Cisco VC systems with Rally Bars. The Cisco systems work always fine with the LG 55WL30 monitors.
Now with the Rally Bar connected, they do not produce any picture at all.
The HDMI of the Rally Bar works on an older full HD PC monitor (you see the welcome screen to connect the USB and HDMI cables) . The LG monitors work when a laptop is attached via HDMI. So I do not understand why the LG monitors do not work on the HDMI output of the Rally Bar.
We gave the LG monitors already a factory reset. What can be the issue then ? Is there a setting in the Rally Bar? Output 1920x1080.

arjan1970 / newcomer (5)


You can use an inline EDID emulator to fool Rallybar into 1080p when connected to LG screen and test

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