Rally PlusLogitech
Rally Plus

Picture on the TV again and again briefly gone ?


We have for some time the problem of the image is always briefly gone.

The problem exists only with the Bildschirmhub not with other zuspielern.

The behavior is as if you unplug the hdmi cable very briefly. The connection from the TV then always comes back up with the HDR splash. So the picture is not just briefly black, but the signal gone.

What we have already tried :

Update all Logitech components.

Update of the TV.

Latest drivers on the conference computer.

Tried other computers (same problem with two notebooks).

Changed all HDMI cables

Changed the network cable.

Tried other resolutions and refresh rates.

Deactivated all the TV's fixes (scan mode, automatic source selection, etc.).

We don't know what to do.

Does anyone else have any ideas ?

dasbrot / newcomer (23)


Top answer

Problem solved. It was due to the Cat cable used between the hubs

dasbrot / newcomer (23)

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