Swytch stopped working - cant share to screen from PC?
I have a Logitech Swytch hooked up to a rally bar mini.
It stopped working and the errors are as follows- When I plug the usb-a or usb-c into a windows laptop the TV screen counts down - "Connecting to your laptop." and at the bottom of the window it says "Connect HDMI cable to your laptop to project its screen to this TV." Then the next screen says "Connect HDMI cable - you may want to connect HDMI cable to your laptop to project its screen to the meeting room TV. Did you know? You can use a camera remote or Tap screen to control the camera during a meeting?"
I have pictures of the errors and the schematics. I looked everything over, and all wires are where they are supposed to go. I turned everything off, unplugged the swytch from my laptop, turned everything back on and plugged back into laptop to no avail.
Please help. Forever thankful and much appreciated!