Can I convert a zoom tap to a teams tap?
I have the lenovo think with the tap system and wondering if I can convert it to be used as a teams room instead of zoom rooms. Thanks
I have the lenovo think with the tap system and wondering if I can convert it to be used as a teams room instead of zoom rooms. Thanks
Basically yes, but it is not that easy.
To install Teams Room (MTR) correctly, an MTR provisioning is needed. You can either create this yourself (complex) or request it from Logitech.
However, MTR will only run on Windows 10 Enterprise or Windows 10 Enterprise IoT. Since your Zoom Room probably only has a Windows 10 Pro license, you would need to upgrade it to Enterprise.
After provisioning, you should update the PC drivers. It is possible that the MTR version is not up to date. This will only be updated overnight.
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