Default Wallpaper Doesn't Display?
Why doesn't my chosen default wallpaper show on the Tap or TV?
Why doesn't my chosen default wallpaper show on the Tap or TV?
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why is there an echo?
We have several tap-systems in our conferencerooms. According to users, a few weeks ago an issue appeared where there is an echo effect when they...
Why can't I share HDMI content from within a Teams Meeting but can from outside a meeting?
When an HDMI source is connected to the Logitech Tap, the content (i.e. a laptop) will appear as expected when outside of a Teams Call,...
Can someone provide the specs for the original TAP power supply?
I have a TAP working well with the CAT-5 kit, but sometimes I would like to power the TAP locally and connect with a USB-C...
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